The Divine Mercy Study is held on Mondays at 6:15 PM in Portable 2.
All are welcome.
For more information, contact the Parish Office at 505-771-8331.
Tuesday Morning Women's Group meets on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM in Portable 2.
Story of a Soul-The Autobiography of St Therese of Lisieux by John Clarke, O.C.D.
Story of a Soul is the spiritual memoir written by St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower. Within its pages, St. Therese, Catholic Saint, Carmelite Nun, and Doctor of the Church, reflects upon God’s mercy and love in her life.
Story of a Soul is printed in over 35 languages and is considered the legacy of her “Little Way.” Translated by John Clarke, O.C.D., this book was named one of the top 10 spiritual books of the 20th century.
Thursday Women's Group meets on Thursdays at 6:30 PM in Portable 2.
For more information, contact Denise Fietek at 720-849-1224 or [email protected]
Thursday Women's Group will begin a new study on September 12.
When You Pray: A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God
What God did in countless saints, he wants to do in ordinary people like us. And that's what this study is about: the journey God wants to take us on in our prayer life.
Study set includes book and workbook - $28.00 or Book only - $17.00
To order your study book, please call the parish office at 505-771-28331.
Men's Group meets on Saturday mornings at 7:30am in Portable 1.
For more information, call or text Steve Sawyer at 505-331-1132Become drawn into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity. Become better husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons.
The Men’s Group is open to all men, age 18 or older.